Abstract Submission

The deadline for the submission of abstracts to EPAC'08 is:

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

at midnight, Central European Time

All contributions to EPAC'08 will be managed using the JACoW Scientific Programme Management System (SPMS). All primary authors must own a profile and associated account within the JACoW Repository, prior to submitting an abstract. Via the link below, follow the instructions to check whether you already own a JACoW profile and associated account, create these if it is not already the case, and follow the instructions to submit your abstract(s).

To ensure that contributions are correctly placed within the conference programme they need a Classification and a Sub-Classification. Please take a few minutes to read about these under Scope of Classifications and Sub-Classifications at this website.

Once you have entered the title and text of your abstract, click on "submit". Once your contribution(s) have been submitted, you will be able to edit as necessary.
It is important to enter the names of co-authors and to indicate who would present the work should it be selected for oral presentation, or who is the primary author, if the primary author is not the submitting author. Note that when you enter co-authors, this also goes via the JACoW SPMS system which will search to see whether a profile/account already exists for the co-author. Co-authors properly entered in the SPMS will thus appear in the list of co-authors which will be included in the programme booklet and in the author index of the proceedings. Failure to enter all co-authors means they will be excluded from the above.

Abstract text should not exceed 1200 characters. Reference to funding agencies should not exceed 200 characters.

More guidelines for the preparation of abstracts are also provided at this website.

Check for profile and/or submit an abstract to EPAC'08.

last update August 19, 2010, at 12:06 PM
by Ivan Andrian